PT863_Ultra high purity pressure transmitter with External zero adjustable device
PT863_Ultra high purity pressure transmitter with External zero adjustable device
Service intended
PT863 is specially designed for the ultra-high purity gas distribution system used in a semiconductor, electronic, medical, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. The transmitter has a water resistant, Stainlesssteel housing for complete protection from harsh environments. The transmitter offers the convenience and easy installation with the full capabilities of a highly accurate 4~20 mA 2-wire system design. The stainless steel surfaces make it compatible with a wide variety of gases, liquids and can be protected from harsh environment. It is extremely versatile and suitable for measuring dynamic or static pressure. The pressure to be measured acts through corrosion resistant stainless steel 630 diaphragm with a MEMS Piezoresistive effect sensors which are connected into a Wheatstone bridge. PT863 pressure transmitter is electrically temperature compensated.